Our locations From our headquarters in Mol to our satellite offices in Antwerp-Berchem, Genk or Ostend, to occasionally working from home: you go where your activities take you. Below, you can filter all jobs by location. Head office Boeretang 2002400 Mol Belgium GPS: Gravenstraat, Dessel Deliveries Directions T +32 14 33 55 11 M vito@vito.be VITO/EnergyVille Thor Park 8310 en 83203600 GenkBelgium Directions T +3289399700 VITO Berchem Roderveldlaan 52600 BerchemBelgium Transport info Directions T +32 3 295 22 38 Oostende BluebridgeOffices 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 & 2008Wetenschapspark 18400 OostendeBelgium Directions Find your dream job close to home Filter results Filters