A postdoc under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie programme

VITO presents itself as a host organisation for post-doctoral associate positions, under the Horizon Europe programme. We offer you a vibrant research environment targeting the transition to a sustainable world, in order to boost your further career opportunities. For specific MSCA topics, check our job page for MSCA Postdoctoral positions.

Eligibility criteria

The post-doctoral fellow is expected to conduct research within an experienced and well equipped research team in one of VITO's units

The applicant must be an Experienced Researcher: s/he must be in possession of a doctoral degree at the deadline for the submission of proposals. At the call deadline, supported researchers must have a maximum of 8 years fulltime equivalent experience in research, measured from the date of award of the doctoral degree.

The applicants must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in Belgium for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the deadline for submission of proposals.

More details on MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships: pages 83 and 85.

Please note that any applicant may submit only one proposal to the call for Marie Sklodowska Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships.

Application Procedure

Interested? Then please convince us that you are the special candidate we are looking for, as demonstrated by your CV, publication list, scientific awards, and last but not least your innovative ideas and skills to translate your research results into viable products or services.

Check our job page for MSCA Postdoctoral positions and please contact the person indicated for the topic you wish to apply for as soon as possible.

More information?

Get in touch with Karen Vercammen. She will be happy to tell you more about the Marie Sklodowska-Curie programme.

Contact person