Overview planned PhD juries | Deadline candidate application | Deadline file submission |
28/02/2024 | 07/01/2024 | 05/02/2024 |
22/05/2024 | 25/03/2024 | 02/05/2024 |
25/09/2024 | 08/07/2024 | 03/09/2024 |
15/11/2024 | 11/09/2024 | 28/10/2024 |
Each PhD student who is supervised by VITO researchers and/or is (co)financed by VITO, must be evaluated by the VITO PhD jury before starting the PhD. This jury consists of VITO researchers who are also active as a professor at a university, supplemented by independent experts from the academic and industrial world.
The jury evaluates whether:
- the applicant is qualified to carry out his/her PhD successfully
- with attention for:
- the alignment of the PhD project with the VITO research strategy
- the high-quality elaboration of the PhD project.
Presentation of jury members
Chairman: Prof. dr. ir. Luc Sterckx
Master in Chemical Engineering, KU Leuven
PhD in Chemical Engineering, KU Leuven
Postgraduate Business Administration, ULB Solvay
KU Leuven, Faculty of Engineering
Willem de Croylaan 46 - Box 2423
B-3001 Heverlee (BE)
E-mail: luc.sterckx@cit.kuleuven.be
Prof. dr. Luc Int Panis
Master degree in Biology UAntwerpen
PhD in Sciences, UAntwerpen
Visiting Professor - UHasselt
Staf management Walter Eevers at VITO
Boeretang 200, 2400 Mol (BE)
E-mail: luc.intpanis@vito.be / luc.intpanis@uhasselt.be
Dr. ir. Jan Luyten
Master in Engineering Sciences: Chemical Technology, KU Leuven
PhD in Engineering Sciences: Chemical Technology, KU Leuven
Principal Scientist Recycling and Extraction Technologies
Umicore, Corporate Research & Development
Watertorenstraat 33, 2250 Olen (BE)
E-mail: Jan.Luyten@eu.umicore.com