What is a VITO-FWO fellowship?
Candidates who, together with VITO, submit a file to FWO for a doctoral or postdoc fellowship that is qualified by FWO but falls just outside the funding, are eligible for a VITO-FWO fellowship. This mandate resembles a regular FWO mandate in every way, with the difference that it is fully funded by VITO.
What are the eligibility criteria for a VITO-FWO fellowship?
The application file is submitted in the regular FWO call for PhD or Postdoc fellowships. The normal FWO assessment procedure is appicable. The application must therefore fully comply with the relevant FWO regulations. In addition, the following must be met:
- The application file is thoroughly prepared together with VITO.
- The research director of VITO approves the application.
- VITO is registered in the application file as a guest institution.
- The application file is submitted and assessed in accordance with the applicable procedure of the FWO call. The application is qualified by FWO but is ranked too low for direct FWO funding.
- For all FWO fellowships in which VITO is involved, a collaboration agreement is drawn up at the start, in which, among other things, the ownership arrangement of the results is laid down.
Each year, VITO and FWO determine the maximum number of fellowships that can be eligible for direct funding from VITO. The qualified applications are allocated in order of the FWO ranking until this maximum is reached.