The PhD application procedure at VITO
Throughout the year, VITO publishes a number of PhD subjects, with as objective ‘enforcing the VITO strategic research’. These subjects are selected carefully in advance and the PhD project will be set up as a close collaboration between VITO and a pre-defined excellent university.
How to apply?
- View our PhD topic list and select the subject of your choice to get more information.
- Check the eligibility criteria in the PhD regulations.
- If you are interested, apply online via the VITO website. (First time? Read and accept the Privacy statement and legal terms. Register yourself and log in to get access to your account.)
- If you are selected, you will be contacted by the VITO promotor. If not, you will be notified within one month from the indicated jury date.
- From that moment on, you get the chance to develop an elaborated PhD proposal, together with your promotor at VITO and your university supervisor (see PhD regulations for instructions about your application file).
- Send in your application file in time (deadline file submission).
- You will have to present your PhD proposal in front of a PhD jury at VITO.
- If you are accepted by the PhD jury, a starting date for your PhD start will be set.
Would you like to know more about the application procedure? Karen is happy to help.