Fady Nahra

I am an R&D researcher at VITO, working on membrane surface modification within the nanofiltration technology team. I am also a guest professor at Ghent University (Belgium), since February 2020, in the fields of green chemistry, ligand design and solid-state chemistry.

I hold a Ph.D. in chemistry from UCLouvain (Belgium). My work experience spans over a decade in 3 different countries and 4 different universities (UCLouvain-Belgium, UPMC/Sorbonne-Paris, St Andrews university-UK and UGent-Belgium), covering a wide range of topics mainly in materials chemistry, organic chemistry, transition metal catalysis, coordination and fluorination chemistry. Prior to joining VITO, I worked at UGent as a research fellow where I was awarded the incentive award (Belgian national award) in 2017 for excellence in research. I am the author of  numerous publications, including articles, reviews and book chapters in several high impact journals.

Since joining VITO in May 2019, I have been mainly focused on developing a new platform for hybrid/ceramic membrane technology, along with new processes for sequential catalysis/separation applications.


Publicaties van Fady Nahra