Scientific integrity

Our research institute attaches great importance to scientific ethics and integrity. We have set up a Committee for Scientific Integrity (CWI) that - in case of doubt or a reported violation - deals with complaints about scientific integrity and assesses whether the boundaries of integrity have been violated in VITO research. 

By following the agreed procedure, the Committee for Scientific Integrity (CWI) will decide whether or not there is a violation of scientific integrity procedures.

Complaints procedure CWI (in Dutch)

Report a violation

Anyone can report an alleged violation of scientific integrity or ask a question about scientific integrity by contacting:

Scientific Integrity Committee (CWI) VITO
Karen Vercammen
Boeretang 200
B-2400 Mol

Unnamed complaints are inadmissible. The identity of the person reporting the complaint must at least be known to the CWI. The identity of the reporter can only be disclosed to third parties and/or to the researcher involved if the reporter gives his explicit and formal permission to do so. The reporter can therefore remain anonymous at his own request. The choice of anonymity must be justified by the reporter (e.g. in the case of a hierarchical relationship with the person concerned). In this case, the identity of the reporter is only known to the members of the committee of inquiry/CWI.