Scientific integrity
Our research institute attaches great importance to scientific ethics and integrity.
The principles that guide us in our research are:
- meticulousness and carefulness
- reliability and verifiability
- independence and impartiality
- responsibility
VITO endorses these recognised codes of conduct:
VITO has validated this policy by appointing a contact person for scientific integrity and by formally recognising the Flemish Commission for Scientific Integrity (VCWI) as an advisory body. In doing so, VITO commits itself to take into account the advice of this committee, if advice is asked.
VITO has also set up a Committee for Scientific Integrity (CWI) that deals with complaints about scientific integrity and assesses whether the boundaries of integrity have been violated in VITO research.
Report a violation of scientific integrity
Anyone can report an alleged violation of scientific integrity or ask a question about scientific integrity by contacting:
Scientific Integrity Committee (CWI) VITO
Karen Vercammen
Boeretang 200
B-2400 Mol
Unnamed complaints are inadmissible. The identity of the person reporting the complaint must at least be known to the CWI. The identity of the reporter can only be disclosed to third parties and/or to the researcher involved if the reporter gives his explicit and formal permission to do so. The reporter can therefore remain anonymous at his own request. The choice of anonymity must be justified by the reporter (e.g. in the case of a hierarchical relationship with the person concerned). In this case, the identity of the reporter is only known to the members of the committee of inquiry/CWI.
A second opinion?
If you disagree with the result - after the CWI of VITO has dealt with a reported violation - you can ask the VCWI, an inter university committee, for a second opinion.
In 2011, the FWO took the initiative for a Flemish Commission for Scientific Integrity (VCWI) with the task of advising on concrete files that have already been dealt with in one or more of the committees for scientific integrity of the Flemish universities or research institutes.
Contact VCWI
Vlaamse Commissie voor Wetenschappelijke Integriteit
Paleis der Academiën - Hertogstraat 1 - 1000 Brussel
secretaris@vcwi.be - Bert Seghers
02 550 23 32