Duurzame grondstoffen

A regenerative economy

VITO, together with its partners, is a driving force in the transition to a regenerative economy. This economic model respects and actively reinforces planetary boundaries. This extends beyond merely reducing the negative environmental impact, such as COemissions.  

A circular and biobased economy

VITO develops and researches advanced technological solutions to assist companies in transitioning to a circular and bioeconomy. We conduct both scientific and techno-economic analyses, spanning from the lab phase to near-industrial production scale. This approach enables us to develop solutions that are economically viable, practically implementable, and minimise investment risks for companies. 

Examples include the use of waste products as raw materials with a low or even negative CO2 footprint, recycling plastics and critical raw materials, and improving the efficiency of production processes with technologies such as electrolysis, membranes, and 3D printing.

Fossil-free energy and integrated water management

We design digital models and infrastructure to better align fossil-free energy supply and demand. We analyse market mechanisms to achieve a balanced energy mix, with electrification as the key component. We also develop and test technologies for heat utilisation and energy storage.

Integrated water management is another key focus in this domain. We create technological and digital solutions to maximise water capture and smart circular use. This involves ensuring water of the right quality for its intended use, while safeguarding the health of both people and nature.


Energy, resources and water

We also work on the underlying connection between energy, resources and water. The goal is to (re)use and optimise each building block, molecule, and water and energy source for as long and as efficiently as possible. This allows us to close loops to the maximum extent, not only within and between companies but also across various actors such as businesses, agriculture, and the built environment.

Would you like to know more?

Economy and ecology in balance: we aim to drive economic prosperity through the sustainable use of resources while reinforcing planetary boundaries. Feel free to contact us for more information on how we achieve this.