VITO Nexus: transition in research, research in transition
In its mission statement, VITO commits itself to promoting sustainable development via scientifically underpinned advice and support. Within VITO ‘transitions’ and ‘transition management’ are the guiding concepts for the effective realisation of sustainable development and for the research intended to contribute to this objective.
Accelerating sustainability transitions
At VITO Nexus, we’re convinced that if we want to give our society and planet a future, we will have to make our human actions deeply sustainable. And that in order to do so we will have to change profoundly. For VITO Nexus, 'sustainability transitions' also mean fair and inclusive changes.
Through actionable knowledge
VITO Nexus wants to contribute to this mission by helping the willing to actually change. We do this by providing them with access to actionable knowledge and expertise in a way that allows them to use it in their transition to sustainability.
Via new connections
At VITO Nexus, we believe that the solutions lie in transversal thinking and acting across silos. And this not only because we will have to create the future together or because two expertises are more powerful than one, but also because the old thinking has run out. The systems in place got us where we are today. If we want to do things differently, we will have to think, act and organise differently.
And room for experimentation
VITO Nexus can be seen as a safe space for thought and action in which anything is possible, as long as it contributes to real sustainability and leads to actionable knowledge. We know how to create and safeguard the space where this thinking and acting comes about. We do this with respect for everyone involved, and a sincere interest in the diversity of arguments and perspectives, but always with a view to implementation and change.
Based on scientific insights
VITO Nexus is not your typical process counsellor. For us, research and action go hand in hand. Together with our knowledge of change processes rooted in transition science we also bring substantive scientific expertise in other areas to the table. Being part of the independent research institute VITO, we have direct access to state-of-the-art sustainability knowledge in the areas of chemistry, land use, health, energy and raw materials. And we generate new knowledge as we go along. In this way, we enrich the research and strengthen the action.
VITO commits to accelerating sustainability transitions
In collaboration with Innovatienetwerk Overheid: vlaanderen.be/innovatienetwerk-overheid/filmpjes/systeemleren. Watch the video with Yves De Weerdt below.
Learning by doing
By participating in projects and programs, VITO Nexus develops this learning platform as a service catalogue for and with VITO researchers, our partners and various societal actors. Explore the basics of transition thinking and doing, and get your hands dirty with some practical tools.
Would you like to know more?
If you are looking for more information, please contact Yves De Weerdt.