Breadcrumb Geothermal energy Geothermal energy: applications Geothermal energy Discover concrete applications of geothermal heat spread across Europe. To the geothermal energy overview page Ferrara, Italy In Ferrara, Italy, you’ll find the perfect example of how geothermal energy can be a green, local, and sustainable solution. Read more Bleiswijk, The Netherlands Horticultural company A+G van den Bosch specialises in growing beef tomatoes and is located in Bleiswijk, surrounded by major cities such as The Hague and Rotterdam. Here they started a Dutch first for geothermal heat in 2006. Read more Reykjavik, Iceland The city of Reykjavik, with its 122,000 inhabitants, is considered one of the earliest pioneers of district heating using geothermal energy to heat the city. Read more Prenzlau, Germany Due to the location of Prenzlau (Germany) in the middle of an underground heat basin, conditions here are good for exploring geothermal opportunities. Read more Balmatt project, Mol, Belgium Just outside Mol, in the proverbial backyard of VITO (Flemish Institute for Technological Research), this power plant was built as part of a wider scientific study on geothermal heat in Flanders. Read more Janssen Pharmaceutica, Beerse, Belgium Janssen Pharmaceutica in Beerse officially commissioned the geothermal power plant at its site on Turnhoutseweg in October 2023. Janssen is the first company in Flanders to pump hot groundwater at a depth of 2.4 kilometres to supply the Beerse site with the energy it needs. Read more Get to know more Contact person Kristine Verheyden Science Communicator +32 14 33 55 53