As a founding partner of Love Tomorrow, we are happy to invite you to the magical grounds of Tomorrowland in Boom on Thursday 25 July. Join us for a one-of-a-kind event, where inspiration merges with music, fashion and more. Discover Earthwise, a unique platform powered by VITO4STARTERS designed to empower sustainable businesses, and get inspired by our speakers.

Join us at Love Tomorrow 2024

Whether you're an (aspiring) entrepreneur looking to contribute to building a better world, a decision maker in a large company or organisation that wants to maximise its sustainability efforts or a bright mind looking for a job where you can make an actual difference, Love Tomorrow is the place to be.

Win up to €50.000 worth of VITO expertise for your start-up by entering our pitch competition VITO4STARTERS and connect with like-minded spirits and industry leaders at Earthwise. Discover how we accelerate technological solutions to reach the SDGs and attend our live G-STIC podcast at Love Tomorrow, with inspiring guests.

Schedule a meeting with our HR partners at the Love Tomorrow Job Fair and, of course, get a taste of how we put the magic into practice by attending our colleagues' keynotes.

Love Tomorrow Reveales: G-STIC Podcast Series

Discover the Guests of the G-STIC Podcast, Live at Love Tomorrow 2024.

Love Tomorrow is excited to announce the guests of the first G-STIC podcast, which will be recorded live at Love Tomorrow 2024 on 25 July. Join us for a front-row experience as you hear from pioneering voices in Technology & Innovation for Sustainability.

The podcast will feature five captivating stories from distinguished guests at the forefront of technological advancements. Each trailblazer will share their unique experiences and insights, offering an insider’s perspective on the developments shaping our planet’s future. 

Here’s a sneak peek at the remarkable lineup:

  • Inge Neven, CEO of VITO, Europe’s leading research organisation in cleantech and sustainability, will share insights from VITO’s pioneering work in advancing sustainable technologies.
  • Rashid Abdallah, Executive Director of the African Energy Commission (AFREC), will discuss the challenges and opportunities of the energy transition on the African continent.
  • Jonas Verstraeten and Thomas Vyncke, Co-founders of the start-up will dive deeper into their innovative software solution that transforms industrial energy management, helping businesses achieve cleaner energy at a lower cost.
  • Aline Muylaert, Co-fouder of Go Vocal, will discuss their unique community engagement platform, used by over 500 governments worldwide, designed to make public decision-making more inclusive, participatory, and responsive.
  • Ides Bauwens, Co-director of Nazka Mapps, will showcase how their smart, user-friendly web applications make complex geodata accessible to all and help tackle climate challenges.

Valerie Thys, a renowned radio and TV presenter with a strong background in sustainability and innovation, will host the G-STIC podcast. The five episodes will be recorded throughout the day.

Find the G-STIC podcast at the conference and tune in for a chance to recharge and witness these electrifying interviews live. Don’t miss this opportunity!

Final tickets are still available in the ticketshop. See you there!

G-STIC (Global Sustainable Technology & Innovation Community), with more than 10.000 stakeholders, accelerates the implementation of technological solutions for the SDGs and provides critical insights into the levers of change that are needed to market these innovative technologies at scale. G-STIC is hosted jointly by ten independent non-profit research and technology organizations from Belgium, Brazil, China, India, Morocco, Nigeria, South Africa, South Korea and the United Arab Emirates. More info:

VITO experts take the stage

Sustainability is VITO's core business. We are the preferred partner for businesses, organisations and governing bodies that are looking to accelerate their transition towards a sustainable approach. At Love Tomorrow, a few of our experts shed some light on their insights and applications to make that transition.

Secure Your Return Ticket from Mars: a Love Tomorrow journey

Dirk Vangeneugden

Embark on an extraordinary journey with Dirk Vangeneugden as he unravels one of the most monumental challenges of Mars exploration: securing a return trip to Earth. And when you think of it: How will we grow food, produce water, and generate oxygen on the red planet?

Few realize that some of the most advanced space technology is being developed right here in Flanders. Join Dirk on his Love Tomorrow journey and see how breakthroughs designed for space can address some of Earth's most pressing challenges. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to explore the future of space travel and its profound impact on our world.

More about Dirk

Embracing Africa to Enter the Future: A Love Tomorrow Journey

Katrien Van Hooydonk and Toon Driesen

Africa, our nearest neighbour and fastest-growing continent, is often misunderstood and shrouded in myths. Drawing from their collaboration and experiences, Katrien and Toon share inspiring stories of innovation and creativity. To address 21st-century challenges, it is urgently time to rethink aid and dismantle the barriers between international development and innovation. By finding opportunity in struggle and innovating from necessity, they present solutions that propel us towards prosperity and fundamental change. Join them on a journey that highlights Africa’s opportunities and its crucial role in shaping a better future for all.

More about Katrien

I spy, I spy with my little eye: a Love Tomorrow take on battery recycling

Kris Broos

In our electrified and intelligent world, Kris Broos and his team tackle the urgent issue of battery waste and its societal impact. Discover how they use X-ray technology, coupled to cutting-edge AI and computer vision to revolutionize sorting and recycling processes. By closing the loop on our battery-powered future, they offer innovative solutions that align with evolving sustainability standards. Join Kris on this enlightening journey to explore the promising prospects of a sustainable tomorrow.

More about Kris

Our Shift to Proactive Health through personal Data: A Love Tomorrow Journey

Nathalie Lambrechts

Today, our devices generate an ocean of data that becomes increasingly personal and intimate, yet also unstructured, fragmented, and scattered. For Nathalie and her team, this information represents a potential goldmine to enhance both individual and public health.

Nathalie will share the implementation of bold solutions with the audience, addressing issues such as privacy and agency. Her mission is to foster a future where health is a participative, community-driven, and proactive aspect of daily life.

More about Nathalie

Unveiling the True Cost of Fashion: A Love Tomorrow journey

Tom Duhoux

With a background that spans pioneering ventures like HNST Circular Jeans and influential research at VITO, Tom brings a personal narrative to the stage.  Discover how his journey has shaped a revolutionary approach to tackling the environmental and social impacts of the fashion industry. Will True Cost Labelling reshape consumer behavior and industry standards? Learn about the potential of True Pricing and how quantification of impact performance can shape a new narrative for our clothes.

More about Tom

Don't miss out on this unique event

Accelerate your sustainable ambitions and secure your spot at Love Tomorrow 2024 today.