Clean Vision Summit 2023: collaborating to accelerate the transition

More than 250 interested individuals attended the fourth Clean Vision Summit on Tuesday, 19th September 2023. Working towards a sustainable transition is not a solitary effort. That's precisely why this Clean Vision Summit was integrated into the What's Up What's Next (WUWN) conference by VLAIO's #industriepartnerschap. This collaboration immediately yielded an even broader range of offerings and even more inspiring speakers.

Project update Désirée De Poot 27 September 2023

Sustainability, digitalisation, and industry... These were the three central themes of the WUWN conference held at the EGG in Anderlecht. Topics ranged from legislation to technological solutions and how to apply for subsidies. VITO's added value to the program was evident from the large audience in the main auditorium during the sessions of the Clean Vision Summit.

Pieter Timmermans, CEO of VBO, kicked off the plenary session as the keynote speaker with a speech on the role of innovation and the impact of the US 'Inflation Reduction Act' on Europe. In this context, he advocated for calmness, saying, "This IRA has awakened Europe. But with a well-thought-out Green Deal Industrial Plan (GDIP), there is no reason for panic. However, we must do everything we can to maintain Belgium's leadership position in innovation."

Kristof Eggermont and Yanaika Denoyelle of Econopolis provided participants with practical tools to find climate solutions. They emphasized that "a good transition plan encompasses all sectors" and that "capitalism is not an enemy but an ally in this transition."

Our own CEO, Inge Neven, concluded the day with a plea for intensive and sustainable collaboration. She stated, "There are two major conditions to find a new balance: we must do it together, and we must do it now." Inge Neven believes in the digitization of data and artificial intelligence, saying, "We are on the verge of a revolution through AI and digital data."

As important as the sessions were, the networking opportunities included in the Clean Vision Summit were also nearly traditional. Matchmaking appointments were widely used to discuss ideas and establish new contacts.

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