On 7 December 2017, Dirk Fransaer, Managing Director of VITO, was appointed as Honorary Professor at the Faculty of Engineering Science on the recommendation of the Department of Civil Engineering.

After completing his studies Civil Engineering at the University of Ghent, Dirk obtained a degree in Civil Biomedical Engineering at KU Leuven.

Dirk then pursued a non-academic career, characterised by innovative thinking from a holistic vision. A holistic vision is closely related to the concept of ‘sustainable development’, very important to Dirk ánd key element in VITO’s mission.

As a Honorary Professor, Dirk has the particular task of challenging researchers and students by engaging in a dialogue with them. In his inaugural speech, Dirk put forward 2 topics: a total concept for sustainable energy based on deep geothermal energy and sustainable mobility in which all modes of transport are treated from a modern, technological perspective and a holistic approach which is also a good example of what will be possible with the already existing technology and technology that will be developed soon (‘the hyperloop’).