EMPOWERCARE helps healthcare institutions put patient needs first

If we want to give patients more responsibility over their own care path, it is necessary not only to give them the means to do so, but also to tailor new care technology to their needs. 

News Désirée De Poot 5 April 2023


To help healthcare organisations put the needs and wishes of their patients at the heart of the implementation of new healthcare technology, VITO has developed a new guide and web application. This web application helps innovation managers discover, explore or implement technological innovations according to the eight ethical principles for care technology developed by the King Baudouin Foundation together with citizens and experts. They are part of a learning network financially supported by the Dr Daniel De Coninck Fund and managed by the King Baudouin Foundation.

The new guide has been created through intensive cooperation between 13 partners coming from Belgium, the Netherlands, France and the UK in the EMPOWERCARE project. The EU-funded EMPOWERCARE project addresses current gaps in care for people aged 65+ or 50+ with at least one chronic condition by empowering people to take more responsibility for their care using technology and local services.


Within the EMPOWERCARE project, VITO previously developed the application BIBOPP (Citizens in Motion with Online Prevention Platform) in addition to the guideline for caring technology. BIBOPP is a first smartphone application applying these caring technology principles. An initiative of VITO, LiCalab and Domus Medica, it helps citizens improve their own health. It offers users a personalised action plan with activities and care providers nearby. BIBOPP was rolled out in several Flemish municipalities and is now accessible to all.

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