Flanders establishes Knowledge Center for Innovative Remediation Techniques
Flanders has created the Knowledge Center for Innovative Remediation Techniques (Kenniscentrum Innovatieve Saneringstechnieken - KIS vzw) with the goal of becoming a leader in addressing and remediating chemical pollution in soil, water, and air. This new organization operates in a novel field and is primarily tasked with developing, testing, elaborating, and scaling up innovative remediation and purification techniques within the domains of water, air, and soil. The Flemish Government approved this initiative just before the recess, and all members have now elected the governing body. This knowledge center is expected to be operational by 1 January 2024.

Within Europe, Flanders is a pioneer and leading region in PFAS research and practical recommendations for managing these substances in the environment. As outlined in the Zwijndrecht region's remediation agreement, Flanders aims to be at the forefront of addressing and remediating chemical pollution in soil, water, and air. As the final part of the PFAS mission, the KIS vzw has been established. This knowledge center is a collaborative effort among governments, research institutions, and businesses. Its purpose is to gather, provide, and disseminate information and knowledge about remediation and purification techniques for chemical pollution in soil, water, and air. Demonstration and pilot projects are intended to translate scientific and technological knowledge into innovations within companies. By encouraging interdisciplinary collaboration among various stakeholders, these innovations can then be introduced more quickly to the Flemish and international remediation markets.
Additionally, the KIS vzw will promote and support scientific research on innovative remediation techniques and evaluate and strengthen societal support for these methods.
The objective is to capitalize on this knowledge from a socio-economic perspective, especially in anticipation of the European Presidency in 2024.
Highly Worrying Substances
In terms of research and valorization, the knowledge center complements the activities of the "Research and Monitoring" hub for Highly Worrying Substances (HWS) within the Flemish government. The hub's research focuses on exposure, dispersion, and the impact of chemical pollution. In contrast, the KIS vzw concentrates on knowledge-sharing and innovation related to purification techniques. A collaborative relationship between the KIS vzw and the HWS hub is being developed to exchange knowledge and insights mutually.
Who's part of the knowledge center?
The knowledge center includes various government agencies, research institutions, and businesses to enable a multidisciplinary approach:
- Departement Omgeving
- Vlaamse Milieumaatschappij (VMM)
- Universiteit Antwerpen
- Universiteit Hasselt
- Jan De Nul
- InOpSys
- C-Biotech
- Ondernemersvereniging Bodemsanering (O.V.B)
- Vereniging van Erkende Bodemsaneringsdeskundigen (V.E.B)
- Vereniging van Onafhankelijke Bodemkundige Advies- & Studiebureau’s (Vobas)
On 21 August, these members elected Leen Bastiaens as the KIS manager. Leen Bastiaens is an expert in soil and groundwater remediation at VITO and has extensive experience in coordinating and leading large R&D projects.
KIS vzw
Stationsstraat 110, 2800 Mechelen, Belgium
E-mail: info@kis.vlaanderen.be
101.054.054. RPR Antwerp (dept Mechelen)