MateriNex - Nexus for sustainable materials research in Flanders
Flemish companies engaged in materials research receive support for high-risk long-term research. In collaboration with VLAIO and the Department of Economy, Science, and Innovation of the Flemish government, MateriNex facilitates and manages sustainable materials research in Flanders by fostering collaboration between industrial and academic stakeholders with the aim of strengthening the materials research ecosystem in Flanders.

Source of prosperity
Materials are a source of prosperity and form the backbone of an industrial society. They also play a key role in transformations such as climate change, energy transition, and digitalisation. Flemish companies active in materials research require support for high-risk long-term research. Therefore, VLAIO and the Department of Economy, Science, and Innovation of the Flemish government have commissioned VITO to facilitate and manage sustainable materials research in Flanders. The MateriNex team within VITO will stimulate collaboration between industrial and academic stakeholders. The goal is to strengthen the innovation ecosystem in materials research.

Three innovation themes
From the outset, MateriNex sets a clear direction by selecting three innovation themes in consultation with industrial and academic stakeholders:
- Materials for battery technology (mobility and storage)
- Materials for construction and building (low-carbon construction and resource efficiency)
- Strategic and critical raw materials (ensuring supply, sustainable and circular value chains)
Each of these themes aligns with both the European research agenda and Flemish policy priorities. Companies and knowledge institutions will be able to submit project proposals within the roadmap of these innovation themes. Each roadmap contains a limited number of application domains and several common 'transversal' challenges in digitalisation and 'safe & sustainable by design' (which encompasses circularity).
MateriNex as a facilitator
MateriNex will particularly play a facilitating role in project genesis and dissemination of project results. To enable this, MateriNex has earmarked project resources from the Fund for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (FIO).
Companies and knowledge institutions will be able to submit projects through MateriNex within the cSBO and ICON project frameworks, including feasibility studies. Collaboration with spearhead clusters is obvious, as materials research often complements application-oriented research.
For broad dissemination, MateriNex will collaborate with various organizations from the stakeholder group, including collective centers and spearhead clusters. Regular consultations will also take place with the academic world. Ideas for innovations will be jointly presented to the stakeholder group.
First project calls coming up
A first limited call for ICON projects for the Construction and Building roadmap will be announced by the end of May on A project call for SBO and ICON projects for all roadmaps will take place in the fall. A mandatory pre-registration will be required. Evaluation will be carried out by an independent group of experts. The decision committee at the Fund for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (HBC) will decide on the allocation of support.
More info on MateriNex:
More info on the project types: