The Flemish mushroom sector has made significant strides towards a circular economy through the VALORCHAMP project, a collaboration among research centres, mushroom growers, and companies in the food sector. Supported by Vlaanderen Circulair, this initiative builds on the insights gained from the previous CHampITINE project, which demonstrated that chitin from mushroom by-products can be converted into the highly sought-after biopolymer chitosan. VALORCHAMP aimed to further explore and expand this potential, particularly focusing on applications within the food industry.

Zero-waste extraction process

One of the main outcomes of the VALORCHAMP project is the development of a zero-waste extraction process. This method enables the maximum utilisation of mushroom waste, such as the so-called “stems,” for food applications. Initial scaling up to several kilograms of dry end product has been tested, yielding results comparable to those obtained from smaller-scale extractions. This offers promising prospects for the processing of mushroom residues in the food industry.

From chitin to chitosan

Furthermore, the leftover fraction from white mushroom stems has been successfully utilised for the conversion of chitin into chitosan. A crucial parameter in this process is the deacetylation degree, which determines the chemical structure and properties of chitosan. This degree can be influenced by the processing conditions, opening opportunities to produce chitosan with specific properties for various applications.

The white mushroom, which represents the largest production volume in Flanders, provides a significant by-product that can now be used not only for food products but also for the local production of chitosan. This biopolymer has numerous applications, including in cosmetics, crop protection, food, and biomedical products such as haemostatic dressings.

Circular solutions in agriculture and the food sector

The advancements achieved through the VALORCHAMP project highlight the potential for circular solutions in agriculture and the food sector. By extracting valuable components like chitin from local waste streams, Flemish mushroom growers can work more sustainably while also contributing to the growing demand for plant-based biopolymers across various industries.

Through this project, Flanders is taking a significant step towards a circular economy, transforming by-products into valuable products that not only reduce ecological footprints but also create economic opportunities.

VALORCHAMP is a collaboration between VITO, INAGRO vzw, BVBA Noppe-Duyck, Champignons Desmet Bv, Lesage Champignons, Cultichamp bv, Pleunis Biochamp BVBA, Vandechamp BVBA, Districhamp NV, Destacx bv, Bonmush, and Griffith Foods. The project has received support from OVAM/Vlaanderen Circulair.

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