The circular economy offers a solution to the increasing scarcity of raw materials and will also create more jobs and new job types. The Flemish Government has therefore proposed the promotion of circular economy as one of the seven transition priorities in its Vision 2050. In its ambitious action plan for the circular economy, Europe is also working towards a more competitive industry through smarter management of material cycles. VITO is contributing to the transition to a circular economy by offering companies innovative solutions for high-quality recycling, reuse, and remanufacturing, and the adjustments to the business model needed in this regard, amongst other things.

Circular business is innovation and it is rarely possible to innovate alone. Companies can find the fruits of such cooperation in the Vlaanderen Circulair (Flanders Circular) partnership: the hub and inspiration for the circular economy in Flanders. With its knowledge, experience and expertise, VITO is one of the obvious knowledge partners within Vlaanderen Circulair. For VITO, the accumulation of scientific knowledge is inextricably linked to taking on concrete commitments. VITO is therefore participating in the Green Deals for Circular Procurement and Circular Construction, VITO experts are involved in the many initiatives that are set up by Flanders Circular and VITO is strengthening the multidisciplinary team behind Flanders Circular and developing easily accessible tools to familiarise entrepreneurs with what is involved in circular economy.

It is an exciting and challenging search for the opportunities that the circular economy is able to offer a company. That is why VITO is helping companies to reorient themselves. A tailored approach is essential to make a targeted and successful transition from 'idea' to 'action' with an innovation such as circular business.

Vlaanderen Circulair is hoping to use targeted project tenders to activate and inspire the business community to place more focus on circular economy. For example, in 2017 and 2018, there were project tenders for demonstration projects. Local authorities, companies, research institutions, organisations and citizens were able to submit experimental, dissemination and demonstration projects together or alone. Of the 286 project proposals submitted, 116 projects have received support over the last two years. A number of new and promising projects are once again in the pipeline for 2019.


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