Together with more than 130 other participating companies and organisations, VITO launched the Green Deal ‘Circular Procurement’.
Today, more than 130 participating companies and organisations, including Flemish Minister for Environment Joke Schauvliege launched the Green Deal ‘Circular Procurement’. This Green Deal is an initiative of Circular Flanders, VVSG, The Shift and Union for a Better Environment. In the course of this year, Minister Schauvliege is further supporting circular economy projects with an additional amount of 1.7 million euros. A part of this is reserved to financially support the pilot projects concerning circular procurement.
The circular economy system focuses on maximum reusability of products and raw materials, and minimal loss of value. Circular procurement is therefore a new way of purchasing for businesses and takes account of humanity, planet ánd wallet. It is a process in which you ‘buy change’, for example by opting for reusable materials, biobased or biodegradable materials, by pooling or sharing resources and products with other organisations or by purchasing a products’ pleasure of use instead of the product itself.
VITO signed the Green Deal Circular Procurement with more than 85 purchasing organisations (from government agencies such as OVAM and VRT, local governments such as the city of Kortrijk or Ghent, to companies and financial institutions like IKEA, Colruyt, Janssen Pharmaceuticals, ING …) and around 50 supporting parties (research centres, federations …), including Minister for Environment Joke Schauvliege.
The signatories of the Green Deal are committed to jointly realise over 150 circular procurement projects by June 2019. A great lever for the circular economy in Flanders.