Carwash De Wasstraat in Herent asked VITO to carry out a water study in 2014, resulting in the construction of a new water treatment plant with no less than 90% water reuse. Last year, the installation was expanded with digital flow meters and an online platform for the processing and interpretation of the water data. This led to real-time monitoring of water consumption and up to 90% water reuse. 

Carwash De Wasstraat in Herent cooperates with VITO for the installation of digital flow meters and an online platform for the processing and interpretation of the water data.  

The dry and hot summers of 2018 and 2019 highlighted the water scarcity in Flanders, including the ban on spraying and pumping. These measures are useful in the short term, but of course more is needed to solve the problem in the long term.

For many years, VITO's WATER research team has been guiding companies towards optimal water consumption and (re)use, with an eye to the economic and technological impact of the measures. In the current Water Management 4.0, the researchers use online sensors, real-time management and an online water dashboard for an optimal proactive approach for large water consumers. A car wash is a good example of this.


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