VITO has a strong track record in the use of obstacle resolving microscale models based on Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). These models allow investigating the impact of very localized  measures (screens, vegetation elements, building configurations,…)  on the dispersion of pollutants in the air. 

CFD analysis & Assessments

Assessing the impact of screens and vegetation barriers to improve air quality
Investigating how a new building or an arragements of buildings affects the dispersion of nearby emissions
Detailed analysis of the local wind climate at industrial sites to look for wind blown emissions and interpret observed concentration patterns
VITO uses the high quality open source software OpenFOAM for CFD dispersion analyses
VITO - PM10 concentration map for an industrial terrain showing the PM10 hotspots, and direction and dispersion area of the plumes

PM10 concentration map for an industrial terrain showing the PM10 hotspots, and direction and dispersion.

VITO - Wind speed profile for a new building indicating the varied levels across the whole terrain, which will impact on the dispersion of the pollutants.

Wind speed profile for a particular building configuration indicating strongly varying levels across the terrain, affecting the dispersion of the pollutants

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