IDEA: research and development of micro-algae value chains

IDEA is a multidisciplinary and international project. It examined the development and roll-out of economically feasible micro-algae value chains in North-west Europe. 

Algae as a renewable resource

The growing world population increases the need for new and more sustainable food resources, animal feed and chemicals. A potential solution to this problem could be to use algae as a renewable resource. These organisms convert CO2, raw materials and light into useful basic materials.

The climate in North-west Europe is suited to the growth of certain kinds of algae – and for some kinds of algae, the lower light intensity and temperatures of our climate even hold some benefits. If we can find a way to use these algae to produce products of a higher value (without bioenergy), it can be interesting economically to focus on that.

Examining the complete value chain

With the IDEA project, we want to innovate and accelerate the existing processes for the cultivation and processing of algae so a complete value chain arises – with resources for food, feed, cosmetics and crop protection as the final products.  

Partners from Belgium, Germany, France, the Netherlands and Ireland from every phase of the value chain were involved in the project. We studied algae cultivation and the processing of algae biomass and developed new commercially interesting products.

Several innovations we focused on:  

  • Cultivating algae species suitable for the climate in North-west Europe.
  • Developing and automating the water circulation, harvest units and alternative CO2 sources.  
  • Concepts for the storage of harvested products, logistics and algae biomass preservation.  
  • Regional activities for the processing of algae, similar to those in the dairy industry.
  • Over 15 new product options of high value.   

Our project partners

  • Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
  • Algae Natural Food SAS
  • Innovatiesteunpunt voor landbouw en platteland
  • CentraleSupélec – Université Paris-Saclay
  • Feed Design Lab
  • Thomas More Kempen vzw
  • Teagasc, The Irish Agricultural and Food Development Authority
  • University of Twente
  • Swansea University
  • Proefcentrum Fruitteelt vzw (PCFruit)
  • Heirbaut LV 

IDEA examined the development and roll-out of economically feasible micro-algae value chains in North-west Europe. 

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