We offer the ‘Smart’ in Smart Charging to electrical integrators and operators that help companies enter the electrical era.
Our SaaS solution makes electrical site hardware such as charging points, storage solutions and solar panels truly smart.

Charge more, pay less

Our SaaS service schedules charging sessions and battery storage behaviour to achieve a maximum amount of driving autonomy at the lowest possible cost. 

We do so by planning for individual driver demand, considering local PV production & building load, connection constraints, grid peak penalties and dynamic prices

By planning ahead, we are not only protecting the fuse, but also the energy bill.

Young man setting up his car's charging plan for the day - Charge42

Charge42 delivers

Savings up to €75 / CP / Month (peak shaving, auto consumption)

Maximized number of driving km within constrained connection

Maximizing financial return of PV & stationary battery

Future proof solution for new controllable & uncontrollable loads

Charge42 Features

  • Planning of consumption at the lowest possible cost 
  • For the next 24 hours, each 15’
  • Taking into account 
    • User departure time and required amount of driving autonomy 
    • Forecasted PV energy 
    • ToU grid tariffs & commodity prices for both injection & consumption
    • Technical and economical peak threshold
    • (Aggregated) non-controllable building load 
  • Using local storage 
  • Priority charging (visitors, sales, .. )

Would you like to know more?

Please contact Wout Lagae:

  • +32 479 27 61 89 
  • wout.lagae@vito.be