VITO/EnergyVille is an expert in providing a suitable interface between electricity storage units and their associated systems. The purpose of the hardware and software components involved is to make energy consumption within those systems more efficient, more flexible and more cost effective.

VITO/EnergyVille has proven expertise in testing and assessing batteries, from cell through module to package level. We not only work with standard test procedures, but also develop and perform application-specific tests ourselves, which provide even more information about the actual service life and performance of the storage element. Our involvement in various research projects means that we also keep track of promising new technologies in addition to existing technologies. This knowledge makes VITO/EnergyVille your perfect partner for making the right choice regarding battery technology and its dimensioning. This guarantees that you make the right investment in your chosen application.

VITO/EnergyVille offers tools such as BattSense and SmartCells that link up with energy management systems and ensure that the right control strategy is chosen at any time according to the final objective and the exact state of the storage unit.

VITO/EnergyVille is working on interfaces between storage units and the system they are part of. These interfaces are the hardware and software components of battery management systems that ensure efficient, flexible, safe and cost-effective integration of the storage units. These battery management systems are developed technology-independently in different topologies to provide the necessary flexibility according to the application.

Our battery lab has a unique infrastructure to accelerate the development of new battery chemistry and designs. Discover how we can work together.