Flanders on the map
VITO Kennispunt Water goes for added value, both locally and internationally. By connecting the right people and actively sharing knowledge. We dedicate our network to sustainable water management and a favourable climate for water innovations.
We do this action-oriented and always through a systemic lens, thereby counteracting fragmented water management. In this way, we contribute to a better valorisation of water expertise in Flanders and beyond.
What do we do ourselves? From our project work, we regularly organise events to share knowledge to leverage it towards the next water innovation. Or we invite experts from different corners to work purposefully within different workshops. Together with partners, we also organise theme evenings where we focus on innovative technologies, for example.

Flanders is a wise region, especially when it comes to water management. It could hardly be otherwise with such a densely populated area and the corresponding high water demand. The changing climate with impact on water security provided even greater challenges in recent (and coming) years.
That's why we need to work together. And share our expertise as through the Fluid Crew or Water Europe.
That is why we are putting our shoulders to the wheel in initiatives such as the Flemish Blue Deal, as well as the European Blue Deal.