Water resilient region
When we develop a project or draw up a water scenario, we always do so with a long-term vision and a systemic view, both for regional and international projects.
We always focus on connections, both between knowledge actors and between domains. Sometimes it is up to us, as in our focus groups or project work. Just as often we support initiatives led by others.
Focus groups
The government commissioned VITO, as a strategic research centre, to play a leading role in strengthening, accelerating and connecting innovation within the water domain.
We therefore set up focus groups that act as thematic innovation platforms to discuss the state of affairs, set priorities and define actions that accelerate innovation.
Specifically, we are working with four focus groups around the following themes:
- Water storage in the soil
- Linking opportunities on industrial estates
- Chain approach to pollutants
- Business models for cooperation
This way, we keep a finger on the pulse and work with a relevant action programme that takes into account regional needs and the input of different knowledge actors.
Project operations
The water innovators of VITO Kennispunt Water put their shoulders to the wheel in a whole number of projects, sometimes as initiators and sometimes from a supporting role.
This project work has a clear overall aim, namely to create a water-robust region. To achieve that goal, we apply a broad project focus. For instance, we not only focus on a resilient economy, but also on agriculture and nature. Specifically, our water innovators work around three major application areas: water in and for the urban environment, agriculture and landscape.
Policy on research, development and innovation
What is the role of water in wealth creation in Flanders? How can we arm ourselves against both water scarcity and flooding?
To answer these questions, we need an initiative that strengthens research and innovation with a focus on water. This is how Oona came into being, a shared water agenda by and for companies with which we are all moving in the same direction towards innovative solutions.
In short, Oona can be a catalyst for economic resilience within sustainable water management and an open invitation for cooperation between all parties involved.

Wherever possible, we like to use our expertise and network to strengthen initiatives led by partners.
For example, our water innovators contribute to the functioning of the Coordinating Committee on Integrated Water Policy (CIW) through their participation in water platforms such as for Circular Water or R&D and Innovation.