Wet but successful third participation in the Nerdland Festival
This year, despite the rain, we were back at the Nerdland Festival (25-26 May 2024), prepared with raincoats and appropriate footwear. We had two booths this time, each showcasing a different concept.
View the aftermovie below.

At the VITO booth, visitors could step into the 'Store of Tomorrow', where interactive modules showcased what a sustainable future looks like. From creating a sustainable pair of jeans in the Fashion Impact Shop to selecting innovative products that make a positive impact and learning about recycling methods that turn waste into valuable resources.
Our second booth was shared with the other three strategic research centers: imec, VIB, and Flanders Make. Under the theme 'Invisible but Essential', we presented insights into crucial yet unseen technologies, such as the capabilities of satellites (VITO Remote Sensing) and the detection and analysis of unknown substances through Non-Targeted Analysis (NTA). A highlight here was the fascinating Galton Board, made entirely of LEGO bricks.
Despite the bad weather – something even weatherwoman Jacotte Brokken couldn't change – enthusiastic visitors of all ages patiently queued for our Store of Tomorrow. Around 1,600 families came to see how we can make the future more sustainable. Our other booth also attracted many interested visitors. We were honored by visits from Hetty Helsmoortel and Lieven Scheire, who both tried out one of our interactive modules.
In short, we once again look back on a fantastic experience at the Nerdland Festival and are grateful to all visitors for their enthusiasm and commitment. Together, we have taken another step towards a more sustainable world!