Advanced biofuels represent an important piece in the EU’s quest for climate neutrality. In Fuels-C, 11 partners are working to develop this new generation of biofuels. Their starting point is organic waste streams.
Advanced biofuels based on organic residues
Advanced biofuels represent one of the key solutions to reach decarbonisation in sectors that are hard to electrify, including heavy road, maritime and aviation transport. However, the first generation of biofuels presented competition to food and feed production. To solve this, Fuels-C advanced biofuels will only be produced from organic residues considered as “waste”.
The project also aims to improve the conversion efficiency of waste into advanced sustainable biofuels, boosting the uptake of the final products. By achieving this, Fuels-C will contribute to the expected outcomes and impacts under the topic HORIZON-CL5-2023-D3-02-07:
- Increase availability of disruptive emerging advanced biofuel technologies
- Accelerate the readiness of cost-effective and highly performing future technologies of advanced biofuels for all economy sectors
- Reinforce the European scientific basis and European technology export potential for advanced biofuel technologies
VITO's role in Fuels-C
VITO will lead the WP3 dealing with the conversion technology. VITO will work on the electroconversion of CO2 to formic acid using the state of the art electrodes and reactors already in place from previous EU supported projects like VIVALDI and ECO2FUEL.