VITO actively supports SMEs with their requirements for innovation in all areas where VITO can offer knowledge and technology.  The SME team will put you in touch with VITO experts, guide you through the subsidy options and act as your one point of contact for all other aspects. SMEs and large companies will also be linked up as part of a unique co-creation programme, with the aim of working together to produce innovations. The SME team also organises regular open calls for consortium projects, in cooperation with other organisations.

Excellent guidance

Low-threshold co-financing programme

Research and development projects

Co-creation pathways

Open calls for consortium projects


VITO has an extensive range of innovations and patents. We transfer knowledge about the technology to your company and grant a licence to use the technology and the patents. Exclusive and non-exclusive licences are possible.

Circular economy advice for companies

If you want to prepare your company, products, business strategy and processes for the circular economy, you can ask VITO for advice. We have the expertise, experience and analysis methods in-house to help you make scientifically proven and economically viable choices in that change process. 

At 28 °C, the water temperature in heerlen is relatively low; in Växjö, the water is warmer, because there we make use of cogeneration running on wood chips and wood pellets. The collaboration between VITO and NODA is part of STORM, a horizon 2020 project to make thermal networks more intelligent. Our technology should be ready for the market by the end of 2018.

Markus Bergkvist

Cozie and EnergyVille/VITO introduce Homefit

Smart thermal network thanks to Flemish and Swedish know-how

Complex soil remediation with Flemish technology

SITEMARK acquires VITO image processing technology

At VITO, we provide support to small and medium-sized enterprises. This takes the form of specialist support, including in the areas of financing and submitting applications for funding. Overall, we provide a full-service solution that removes the need for SMEs to bear any of the administrative burden associated with getting a project off the ground.

Johan Vangrunderbeek
Business Developer SME