The search for alternatives is therefore a necessity. Wind and solar energy are well known alternatives to fossil fuels. But there are other possibilities. VITO continues to pursue its research into other solutions in an ambitious manner. An important part of this research involved looking into all possible forms of biomass. The question is whether this can reduce or even eliminate the need for fossil resources. In this search, the researchers not only look at wood and wood pulp, but also at algae and insects.

When we talk about alternative raw materials, VITO does not simply look at alternatives to fossil energy. We also investigate whether sustainable raw materials such as algae, insects and wood can be valuable, sustainable solutions in the food chain or in cure/care products.

The focus is on alternative raw materials, as well as installations that can convert the processed raw materials and the entire value chain. VITO is hoping to go further than just a theoretical model here as well. What proves to be successful on paper and in a lab must also be tested in terms of its practical and economic feasibility.

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