10:05 to 10:10

Welcome video by Minister Jo Brouns, Flemish minister of Economy, Innovation, Work, Social Economy & Agriculture

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Welcome video by Minister Jo Brouns, Flemish minister of Economy, Innovation, Work, Social Economy & Agriculture

10:05 to 10:10 14 Jun
10:10 to 10:20

Cleantech as a pathway towards a prosperous city

Sofie Bracke

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Cleantech as a pathway towards a prosperous city

10:10 to 10:20 14 Jun

Sofie Bracke

Alderman for Economy, Trade, Port & Sport at the City of Ghent

Sofie Bracke is a Flemish liberal politician and alderman for Economy, Trade, Port and Sport of the city of Ghent. She obtained a master's degree in political science at Ghent University, which she supplemented with a master's degree in European Studies at the University of Louvain-La-Neuve.

In 2009, after the resignation of Sas Van Rouveroij, she was put forward as his successor in the Ghent College of Mayor and Aldermen and was given the competences Innovation and Work. From January 2013 to December 2018 she was alderman for Civil Affairs and Protocol and in 2019, she was sworn in as alderman for Economy, Trade, Port and Sport.
