GeoDynamiX is VITO’s toolbox for the analysis, simulation and optimization of a wide variety of spatial issues in regions and/or cities with a view to support planning, policy making and sustainable development.

Spatial issues

  • How will settlement area, land use and land cover evolve between now and 2060 as a result of autonomous developments, external drivers, or, actual and potential policies?
  • Which vision and goals do we favour when developing urban and rural areas, and, how will we realize them in the short, medium and long term?
  • How do we capture qualitative concepts such as 'sustainable land use', ‘economical land use', 'environmental quality', 'land resource efficiency', 'development potential',' land resource efficiency potential', …, into measurable, quantitative spatial indicators?
  • Which policy measures are most efficient to realize our policy goals? Where do we apply them, and, when is the right moment to act?
  • What are the best locations for the development of new industrial estates, infrastructure, distributed energy production, protected nature areas, facilities, …?
  • Where are the dangerous hotspots in the transportation networks for specific groups in our population, such as: children, elderly, those walking or cycling? What about the exposure of particular species of our fauna? Which technical measures and infrastructure are to be implemented?

Geodynamix products

Simulation Tool
Geodynamix - Simulation Tool

The Simulation Tool is the original core of GeoDynamiX. It has been developed to forecast and map changing land use at high spatial resolutions. This tool is used for the spatial interpretation, computation and visualization of scenarios: both what-if scenarios and contextual scenarios.

Optimization Tool
Geodynamix - Optimization Tool

The Optimization Tool is a spatially-explicit model that is used to solve spatial optimization problems such as determining locations for new business parks or for nature areas, taking into account physical and ecological preconditions, as well as economic and social costs and criteria.

GDX Scripting Tool
Geodynamix - GDX-Tool

The GDX tool is an instrument intended to automate complex spatial operations and calculations. It consists of an extensive library of algorithms implementing spatial operators, and, a nearly human computer language to build scripts for the sequential execution of the algorithms. It is used extensively for the computation of complex spatial indicators.


Business Development
+32 14 33 68 93