
I AM My Health

Status: Ongoing Health

Preventive health is more than just avoiding disease. It also means making sure that as many conditions as possible are met in order to live a healthy life. The I AM my healthTM programme focusses on research contributing to the transition of a disease oriented to a predictive, personalised and participatory health system for the prevention of non-communicable diseases.

What are we doing?

We enable the transition to a predictive, preventive, personalized and participatory (4P) health system. To do this, our main focus is on preventing or postponing diseases in a personalised way.  We develop early warning systems for the onset of disease and the preservation of health, and build data-driven personalised and preventive solutions together with industry, health providers, citizens and government, in support of developments in 4P-medicine.

Collecting data

We set up a cohort to collect an unprecedented amount of longitudinal data on the health of an individual by measuring the continuum of genotype to phenotype, next to information about lifestyle and environment. We have started with a pilot project with a cohort of 30 healthy volunteers, the I AM frontier project.

Cross-omics & data analysis

By connecting the vast amount of health data we will find new biomarkers and develop complex and individual risk profiles through which the risk of chronic or non-communicable diseases later in life can be predicted. New insights from these data will be used for the development of novel diagnostic tests for early disease detection and prevention. All data are processed in accordance with the latest European privacy legislation.

A systems biology approach

We envision a personal approach, not only in the way of monitoring and measuring everyone’s health but also in the necessary customised solutions. Rather than looking at individual parameters, the entire genetics and physiological profile of a person has to be taken into account. This integrated systems biology approach provides a better understanding of the underlying biological processes resulting in increased prevention and better diagnostics.

Empowering citizens

To increase participation in the cohort and to empower citizens, we collaborate with health professionals to give personalised feedback. This feedback will provide valuable insights into the health of the individual and enable this person to take the appropriate actions for preventing or postponing the onset of diseases.

Would you like to know more?

Curious about our research and innovations in personalised healthcare? Get in touch with Eefje.

With I AM My Health, we want to prevent or delay diseases in a personalised way.

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