Empowering nations for a sustainable future, the NDC Support Center is dedicated to enhancing global climate action. Through advanced modelling and strategic partnerships, we provide support for the development of effective climate and energy strategies.  

Explore our journey as we prepare for the upcoming high-level NDC SC Forum in Brussels, or join us for insightful discussions at the G-STIC podcast during the Love Tomorrow Conference 

3 years
1.1 million EUR
+32 14 33 54 36

About the NDC Support Center (NDC SC)

Countries worldwide are updating their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) to meet the climate action goals set at the 2015 Paris COP meeting. To ensure these updates set out the correct policies and achievable goals, countries must enhance their knowledge of energy production and use.  

To address these challenges, AFREC (Energy Agency of the African Union) and VITO, with funding from the Government of Flanders, established the NDC Support Center (NDC SC). This initiative provides long-term support to help countries develop comprehensive climate and energy plans within the NDC framework through improved energy statistics and advanced climate modelling.