Eline Vanuytrecht is part of VITO's Climate Service team that is specialized in the translation of past, present and future climate data into tailored climate information and services. The team's climate services support various stakeholders in assessing climate risks and preparing for resilient adaption. According to the stakeholder's needs, the Climate Service team assists in decision-making, planning and designing adaptation strategies based on sound climate information. VITO's Climate Service team quantifies climate impacts in urban settings as well as for the health, agriculture, biodiversity and industrial sector.
The Climate Service team fits within VITO's Environmental Modelling unit, which delivers innovative, sustainable and scientifically sound products and services to better manage and predict our natural resources (air, water, land, soil, ecosystems) based on computer models and information technology.
Eline Vanuytrecht holds a PhD in bio-science engineering on the impact of climate change on crop production and the water balance (2013) from KU Leuven. She works in the Climate Service team as researcher and developer with a focus on climate impacts and risks for agriculture, biodiversity and ecosystem services.