With 3DPRIME, VITO is taking an important step in making the chemical and energy sectors more sustainable. The project focuses on building a state-of-the-art 3D micro-extrusion pilot line, a technology capable of processing various materials such as metal, ceramics and hybrid materials. The construction of an advanced 3D printing pilot line responds to the increasing industry demand for innovative components at industry-relevant conditions. This project is financially supported by Europees Fonds voor Regionale Ontwikkeling (EFRO) and Fonds voor Innoveren en Ondernemen (FIO).

2024 - 2027

3D micro-extrusion

With 3D micro-extrusion, high-quality functional components such as catalysts, sorbents, heat exchangers and electrodes can be produced via 3D printing, which is crucial for making the sector more sustainable. VITO has already successfully tested this technology at laboratory scale. To validate the technology in industrial conditions, scaling up to pilot scale is necessary.

Unique worldwide

This new pilot line is unique in the world and offers companies the opportunity to test the technology in an industrial environment. The pilot line strengthens VITO's position as a knowledge centre in 3D printing and promotes co-creation and innovation in Flanders and beyond. The facility can produce up to one tonne per month of functional components in an automated, (semi-)continuous process, a crucial step for market introduction.