How can the energy use of your home be optimized as much as possible?
That is the key question COZIE and EnergyVille/VITO provide an answer to with a Homefit energy report. The tool to apply for a Homefit report was introduced today in East and West Flanders and makes it possible to get a scientifically based renovation advice in 1-2-3, without any site visits. A Homefit report shows in a user-friendly way which renovation opportunities are most suitable for a building and how much the owner can save on his/her energy bill with it. Additionally, a Homefit is entirely free-of-charge and scientifically based.
Belgium comprises a great number of existing buildings in need of a thorough energy renovation. Additionally, individual consumers are often looking themselves for an accurate renovation advice to save money on their energy bill. With Homefit, Cozie and EnergyVille/VITO provide an answer to these needs by supporting public and private stakeholders in the transition to a sustainable urban environment.