VITO puts the safety of its employees first but also the safety of third parties who come to work at VITO. In order to slow down the spread of the coronavirus and other infections, VITO therefore asks visitors/trainees/other third parties to strictly apply the following measures. Communicate this information to your visitors/trainees/other third parties.


  • Stay home when you're feeling ill. Inform your contact person at VITO and cancel the appointment.
  • Keep a minimum distance of 1.5 m from each other.
  • Limit physical contacts. Do not greet with a handshake.
  • Apply good hand hygiene: wash your hands regularly, preferably with soap and water. Use disinfectant hand gel if there is no water and soap. Hand gel is available everywhere in VITO.
  • Touch your face as little as possible with your hands.
  • Cough and sneeze in your elbow. Or cover your nose and mouth when coughing and sneezing, use a disposable handkerchief and throw it in a bin immediately afterwards. Also use a disposable handkerchief when you muzzle your nose. Then wash your hands with soap and water.
  • Wearing a face mask is compulsory: cover your nose, mouth and chin with a face mask when arriving at VITO and when you move within the site. You can remove your mask at your workplace unless you cannot guarantee the physical distance of 1.5 m between you and your colleagues or other persons.


In order to respect ‘social distancing’, VITO has introduced a number of specific measures in its buildings. Follow the signs and instructions.

  • Limitation of the number of persons present in communal areas
  • Limitation of the number of persons present in the sanitary facilities
  • Moving 'outside' has priority over 'inside', 'down' over 'up'.
  • Specific circulation plans
  • The use of the lift: avoid or at maximum 1 person

VITO counts on every visitor/trainee/other third party to comply with the precautionary measures. This is the only way we can guarantee everyone's safety.

If you have any questions about this, please feel free to ask your VITO contact person.