Thank you for using VITO's digital signature platform.

This way you contribute to a sustainable world.

Signature placed

- You have signed the document. It is now on its way to the other signatories. When the process is complete, you will receive an e-mail with the final document.

- In the meantime, you can view or download the document at any time using the button in the e-mail you received earlier with the request for signature.

Refused to sign

You have indicated that you do not wish to sign the document. We will examine the reason and, if necessary, provide you with a modified document. You can also contact the sender of the document to further explain your refusal and discuss changes.

Signature not (yet) placed

- You have not yet signed the document. You can still reopen the document in the e-mail you received with the request for signature.

- This message may be a consequence of a voluntary action on your part e.g. by clicking on 'Finish later' or because the signature page was inactive for a considerable time (time-out).

Authentication error

The signing of the document did not succeed because there was an error in the authentication. You can reopen the document to sign it via the e-mail you received with the request for signature.
